ECT, Treatment number two.

19 03 2008

I learned something today that I got wrong in my initial description of the procedure. They didn’t do intubation. I was confused because they mentioned doing something to help me breathe and that something had to come out of my throat-which turned out was the thing that holds your tongue in place and keeps you from smacking your teeth together.

And it was equally confusing that my throat is sore. I am going to edit my initial post to reflect what I learned today.

The second treatment was somewhat easier than the first. We arrived at the hospital at 5:30 AM, which meant we were up at 4 AM to get here-which, for me will be the biggest pain in the keister about the whole business.

But knowing what was going to happen made the procedure much easier to handle, even though I had some anxiety immediately before they administered the anaesthesia. It is always kind of scary to go under uncontrollably, so that wasn’t a surprise for me.

Also, I meant to add that the procedure does not last very long-10 minutes at most. I think I might have been unaware of the time for about 20 minutes or so-I tried to keep track of the time but kind of forgot there towards the part where they administered the anaesthesia.

So, it’s two down, six or so more to go!



3 responses

19 03 2008
Dr Shock

Mist it in your previous post this intubation. Didn’t they show you the procedure on dvd or photos. How did they inform you about the procedure?
Regards Dr Shock

20 03 2008
Jane Bonkoski

I am with you all the way. Continue with your courage because that is what it takes to survive all of this madness called mental illness. Hopefully in 10, 20, 30 years, all of this will be gone, and people will say, “What was mental illness?”

1 05 2008
Steve K.

I am in the same boat as you. That is I have battled depression for many years and have not had any luck with medication, so I am contemplating ECT. I am pulling for you to have a good response, and will be checking in often to see how you are doing. I wish you the very best of luck.


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