ECT, treatment number four.

31 03 2008

Today I had treatment number four. I’m assuming I’ll have around 8, so it’s kind of nice to know we’re halfway there.

Nothing too terribly exciting about today’s experience, but I do have a bit of a headache, which I’d not gotten to this point. But it’s not unexpected-it’s one of the common side effects.

A couple of questions to answer…

Can you tell me how you are getting on now? Has ECT helped or is it helping you?

I’m getting on okay. I’m still having some trouble, but I think I can tell that the ECT is helping. In fact, my husband says I’m more animated that I used to be-and believe me, animated was NOT something I have been in the last couple of years.

Treating depression is a giant, miserable, hell-hole of a waiting game. ECT, as many medications, takes a little time to feel like there’s any progress. Fortunately, with ECT, it’s a matter of a week or two, as opposed to thee three  or four weeks you can get with some medications. I’m hopeful that I will start feeling better very soon.

One thing the ECT is not doing, and I don’t expect it to, is help the panic disorder, which is robbing me of any kind of enjoyment of life. I am hoping, though, with a base of a reduced depression, that the panic will become easier to handle.